Wednesday 14 May 2014

font choice

Final Front Cover

this is my final front cover after improvements made from the comments from students and teachers on my placemeant of certain words focusing more on the lay out

Monday 5 May 2014

content page research


The background colours on the contents page with the picture of another rap artist on has a dark red coloured background, this may be to represent where about in California he is from, this is because of the gang population and the colours they use to represent it. Many rap artist belong or were in gang’s at some point in there life, the use of this back ground colour may just reiterate that. He is looking directly at the audience; this is direct mode of address. His facial expression and the way he is holding up his chains shows his arrogance, power and how much money he has. His facial expression makes him look almost angry but again he is only showing off his money and being arrogant about it by putting his “Grillz” on show. Again much like nearly every contents page in vibe magazine’s it has a stacked lay out and is in a completely contrasting colour to the background so its easy for the audience to read. Again there is a “V” in a slightly darker shade of red to remind the audience about what the magazine they’re reading is called. The type mode used in the subtitles are in serif which is a formal font this could be to make the reader think what it’s advertising to them is more interesting than what’s just in a sans serif font which makes everything look dull, however it is easy to read which is why it has been used as the type mode of the title.

I like the use of stacking the title and having one dominant image on the contents page, it keeps it simple, easy to read and nice for the reader to see. I also like the idea of having just the first letter contrasting vaguely in the background of the contents page, just as a little reminder to the people reading it what the name of the magazine is called. The use of colours in both these magazine's is effective because they totally contrast with the background but do not look silly at the same time, i can take these methods and put them into use on my contents page. 

 Contents page textual analysis.The contents page is spread over two pages. There are two images used on the contents page, one of a discovered rapper, and the other of a upcoming rapper. The images are both represented as fierce faces, with pricy clothing and jewelery in one, and in the other a picture of the front-page image but a full body shot instead. Both shots create enigma and mystery of what the artist are thinking as the facial expression connote thinking. This connotes that the brand rely heavily on artists to make their magazine sell, the popularity of the artists helps the brand sell its magazines.The magazine using subtitles to attract the reader, these are in san serif fonts, and this connotes the modern developed brand image. It is divided into categories, which are as follows:- Featured- Departments- Ear to street- Life… style- Power moves- Source sports- Fashion- Record reportThese all are presented in sans serif text, and in bold, while the writing below is in plain un- bold writing, to make the headings stand out.The colours used on the images are quite dark and harsh colors, while the background is a stony creamy colour, the contrast of these colours makes the image stand out. There’s a consistent theme running through the way the layout is set, the page numbers all are represented as such ‘1.’ And are in also sans serif font.There is a lot of dead space, and the borders are plain white. The gutters are small, and defined to make the writing look close together. There are a total of 96 stories presented on the page. With a lot of dead space, and no editors quote or staff reference this shows the magazine wants to limit the information of the brand and focus of the music aspect of the magazine.the typical conventions used, are of course i use of famous individuals pictures printed on the pages. although the use of blank space, and fonts are challenging the typical conventions, showing a new way to content your articles.

My Final Content Page

After making sure the colour wasnt used to much i made sure that i blured some parts and ketp the font simple but i still thought the background colour and the blue had a big affect on audience as i prefered it there aswell as it attracted my target audeience.i also fetl that using lots of clours will make my viewers or target audeince want to explore more thourghly whats in the music magazine.

My Final Double Spread

i kept this double spread simple with not much coulrs as my target audeince prefered to just see the badn and see what they have expreience working together so i kept the background white so that the words can become readable and the reader can enjoy themselfs not struggling.

doubel spread sheet reserach

This is a double page spread of a rapper called ‘Jay Z’. Here it shows that one side of the page is used for the article and the other for an image of Jay Z himself. I challenged the forms and conventions and decided to use a similar layout for my double page article.
In this article, the image of Jay Z is a close up and has been edited to contrast 2 colours. The use of red and blue can give the audience a feeling of hot and cold.
My double page article was very simple and was similar to the Jay Z article. I put an image on the left hand side and my text on the right. Using text wrap on InDesign, I made the pop out quote bigger so it took up space. This is where I have challenged the forms and conventions as I have added an image to give the readers a feeling of what the rapper talks about.
The opening of my article is a short detailed bio of the rapper, which I feel makes the article more interesting as it connects to the readers as it makes them feel engaged.Theuse of pop out quotes also makes the article more interesting as they tend to be filled with exciting information which makes the reader want read more. I decided to use white text for my article as this contrasted with the background of the double page article.