Friday 2 May 2014


I started off with cropping the background because it didn’t suite the front cover and it wouldn’t look professional if I left the background. This was the hardest part when using Photoshop because it is delicate and there is some areas that were just hard to cut out

Then I developed this and starting to add things around it that I could play around with and changing them using the bucket in the tool box in the Photoshop helped me to change colours easily. Plus I had to put the professional barcode because it would make my whole music magazine original. Adding colours such as back, blue and red reflects the genre type.

The 3rd stage things started to look better I started to move around things that could go at different places without craping areas in my music magazine for example I moved the barcode from left to right because when looking back at the music videos its normally down at the bottom right hand addition I also added the background and stacked with the common colours I thought would suite the music video.



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